“Loan it, don’t own it!”
Library of Things is a concept where as a community we shift from buying things to renting things. Useful items that can be rented for very low amounts.
This idea is already working well in 14 UK locations thanks to Library of Things - a social enterprise established in 2014 that helps people save money and reduce waste by affordably renting out useful items like drills, sound systems and sewing machines from local spaces – and by helping neighbours share practical skills.
They are looking to add more libraries across the country and will support any community who can demonstrate real interest (500 votes) within the community.
This is an initiative that would need to be run by us, the community, but in partnership with Library of Things. They have purpose-built software, self-serve lockers, supply chain and 10 years of community building and behaviour change experience. If we can get 500 votes of interest here in Brockenhurst, Library of Things will support us with the securing of the funding from the council and the setting up of the library.
So we are in the very early stages of just seeing if there would be sufficient interest in a Library of Things here in our village. Would you be interested? Do you think it’s a good idea?
Well, a voting page has been set up on the Library of Things website:
Select the button below to register your interest and help us towards getting the 500 votes that we need in order to progress this idea